Horseshoe Bay Reserve Masterplan
Thanks for your interest in this important project!
Kempsey Shire Council is reviewing refreshing the Horseshoe Bay Reserve Masterplan, which is a long term strategic planning document to guide the overall vision and use of this beautiful space.
Community feedback on the current Masterplan (adopted in 2014) and from the engagement workshop and online survey held in December 2018 has been collated and is available is the document library for your review
Draft designs forthe Horseshoe Bay Reserve Masterplan are now available in the document library and will be the basis of the following survey questions.
We welcome your feedback in this process.
Surveys close on 6 May 2019. Information will be used to inform the final designs which will go to Council, and then on to public exhibition for further community input.
This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and needs to be done in one sitting. Please note that any question marked with a * requires a response