Why is Council developing an Airport Master Plan?

    The Master Plan is being prepared to guide in the overall development of the airport over the next 20-years; to leverage key opportunities and identify any issues facing the airport; and to provide options for realising the opportunities and addressing these issues.

    What sort of economic modelling and forecasting will be undertaken as part of the work?

    Council will obtain aviation activity data relating to the types of aviation activities being undertaken at the airport. Forecasts for this activity will be obtained for the period 2022-2042, as well as the forecast multipliers effect of these activities on the broader community.

    Will there be a focus on the environment as part of the work?

    Yes, the Master Plan work will include investigation into relevant factors relating to heritage, fauna, noise exposure (per the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF)), groundwater, global warming implications, environmental management, and environmental responsibilities.

    Will there be a focus on future infrastructure needs as part of the work?

    Yes, the purpose of the Airport Master Plan is to identify and plan for new or improved aviation infrastructure to meet the future forecasted demand of aviation activity at Kempsey Airport. As a result, the Master Plan work will include a gap analysis of existing and future requirements relating to stormwater drainage, sewer, electricity, telecommunications, gas, and water supply.

    There will also be a focus on investigating future airport access road and local road requirements, and future car parking requirements relating to the airport.

    What is the timeframe for developing the Airport Master Plan?

    Council will be issuing a request for proposal from suitability qualified consultants in early 2022.  Community engagement will form part of the scope of work. The work is expected to be completed in 2022/23.