Arakoon Road Planning Proposal
Planning Proposal for 154 Arakoon Road (Lot 9 DP1219664) South West Rocks
To amend the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 Land Zoning Map, Lot Size Map and Height of Buildings Map to enable a future residential subdivision.
Council Resolution
2024.143 RESOLVED (CR Riddignton/Cr Saul):
That Council:
1. submits the planning proposal which seeks to amend the Land Zoning Map, Lot Size Map and Height of Buildings Map at Lot DP119664, 157 Arakoon Road, SouthWest Rocks,
to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for gateway consideration pursuant to section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979;
2. requests that the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure issue Council with written authorisation to exercise plan making delegations in relation to this proposal;
3. undertakes, subject to the gateway determination, community consultation for the planning proposal as required; and
4. request Council staff work with the consultant to improve the Aboriginal heritage report to meet contemporary standards, community and First Nations peoples expectations.
FOR: Cr Bain, Cr Bufferfield, Cr Fergussion, Cr Hauville, Cr Riddington and Cr Ring
AGAINST: Cr Patterson, Cr Saul and Cr Wyatt
The Department of Planning, Housing & Infrastructure considered this planning proposal and issued Gateway Determination on 20 August 2024, please refer to attachment (APP_J_Gateway determination_PP-2024-829.PDF) in Key Documents for more details. The public exhibition is in accordance with the requirements of the Gateway Determination.
Have Your Say
If you would like to Have Your Say please complete a formal submission below. You can also email your feedback to, hand it into our Customer Service counter in West Kempsey or mail it to:
The General Manager
Kempsey Shire Council
PO Box 3078
West Kempsey
NSW 2440
The exhibition period for the Planning Proposal for 154 Arakoon Road (Lot 9 DP1219664) South West Rocks, closes on Tuesday 8 April 2025.