Horseshoe Bay Revitalisation: Community Hub
Consultation has concluded

We had a strong community engagement in this survey and the results are now being compiled.
Should we add a cafe in Horseshoe Bay?
As the next phase in the delivery of the 2019 Horseshoe Bay Masterplan, Kempsey Shire Council is currently developing designs for the Community Hub at Horseshoe Bay and is seeking community input on the design.
In February and March 2023, we asked you for your thoughts on the size of the proposed Community Hub and whether it should include a café.
For information on the progress of all projects related to the Horseshoe Bay Master Plan and revitalisation, visit our project page.
What happens next?
The community hub is a medium-term project. There is no funding in place and no action planned in the coming year.
At this stage the community hub development is not funded, the community engagement is part of our process for seeking grant support.
Council will use the information from your survey responses and submissions to inform designs moving forward. These designs will be used to inform future grant applications.
The ultimate decision will be influenced by design considerations, community input, project impacts and costs.
Council will consult with local businesses and community organisations as part of the ongoing development of this project. We will also communicate progress to the community.
How does the Community Hub fit in with the Master Plan?
One of the biggest issues identified by the community in the master planning stage was the need for an upgraded kiosk and amenities. The existing kiosk and toilets are in separate buildings and each requires replacement.
A key component of the 2019 Horseshoe Bay Master Plan was to relocate the existing amenities and kiosk into a combined Community Hub. The community engagement at the time endorsed this.
Through this design process, Council has determined the preferred location for the Community Hub and also identified an opportunity for a new accessible café and community events space in addition to the new amenities and kiosk already contemplated in the Master Plan.
Should we add a cafe and event space?
The café has the potential to create a new destination for South West Rocks.
As the café was not specifically identified in the Master plan, Council sought community feedback on the idea of locating a café at Horseshoe Bay.
The diagram below presents the concept with and without the café and event space.
What you said
We had a very high response rate with 3% of all Shire residents visiting the page and 1% completing the survey.
Total Visits to the web page | 995 |
Engaged Visitors (completed survey) | 307 |
The results were evenly split, with slightly more opting for no café.
What you liked
- Creating a great location to visit
- More options for hospitality
- Proximity to the beach
- Community space
What concerned you
- Reduction in green space
- Potential impact on local businesses
- Competition with existing cafes
- Car parking.
The engagement was successful across all of its stated objectives.
Although there is strong community awareness of the 2019 Horseshoe Bay Master Plan, some of its key aspects have not been effectively communicated. This includes the replacement of the existing kiosk as it has reached end of life.
How can you get more information?
If the café and event space is added there are options as to how large it might be.
Details on these options and other considerations are outlined in the storyboards linked on the right.