What is a Local Growth Management Strategy?

    The LGMS is the key strategic land use planning document by which the Council establishes how and where projected population and employment growth are to be accommodated over the next twenty (20) years. The LGMS will consider the following:

    • Housing choice, demand and availability
    • Employment land (commercial and industrial zoned land)
    • Landscape and local character
    • Growth area Infrastructure

    Council has prepared background reports to inform the future LGMS. The background reports were:

    Copies of these background reports can be downloaded through the links provided. 

    Although the background reports state recommendations, the community feedback will assist Council in determining what recommendations are in the final LGMS. 

    These background reports and the future draft LGMS will be open for community and stakeholder feedback throughout 2022. 

    Although the background reports state recommendations, the community feedback will assist Council in determining what recommendations are in the final LGMS.

    Why does Council need a Local Growth Management Study?

    All Councils are required to prepare a Local Growth Management Strategy to ensure they meet the actions listed within the North Coast Regional Plan 2041(External link).

    What does it do?

    The LGMS is the agreed approach between Council and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) regarding land use management and land use changes within Council boundaries. 

    The LGMS will inform the location and extent of land use zones within Council areas; identify how and where growth may occur, and inform other key Council documents that influence, or are influenced by, the management of land use.

    What are the key components that have informed the drafting of the strategy?

    There are four background reports prepared to inform the LGMS. These are:

    • Employment Lands Audit
    • Scenic Protection Layer Review
    • Local Character Statement Review
    • Local Housing Strategy