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Aboriginal Women's Wellbeing Program
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Mid North Coast Local Health District invites young Aboriginal women aged 13-20yrs to attend an Aboriginal Women's Wellbeing Program.The program will run from 24th May to 28th June 2019 with sessions held every Friday at Kempsey District Hospital from 12:30pm - 2:30pm in the Wutu Room.The program will cover a range of topics such as:- Self-care, self-esteem and empowerment
- Therapy through creative dance and arts
- Connection to Country through language and history of our local area
- Making new friends and connections
- How to find out more about health/medical, wellbeing and support services available in your area
Kids and babies are welcome, afternoon tea will be provided and participants who attend all six weeks will receive a free t-shirt!To register, please contact Tianna Bailey on 0407 652 735. -
Financial Wellbeing Service
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The Financial Wellbeing Service assists people in financial crisis to manage their immediate situation in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity whilst improving their financial capability. The service operates in Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Nambucca, Kempsey, Port Macquarie, Taree and Great Lakes.Who They AssistThis confidential and free service is available to people who are in financial hardship and either unable to pay their bills or at immediate risk of not being able to pay their bills.Eligibility CriteriaIndividuals and families who are in financial crisis and residing in one of the above listed locations are eligible for this service.How Do They HelpThe service may assist with:- Short term financial or material aid such as the provision of vouchers
- Budgeting and access to other financial tools
- Linking to other appropriate services and supports
For more information, visit the Financial Wellbeing Service website, phone (02) 6651 1788 or email -
Grants and funding Opportunities
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These documents also live in the Document Library
PCYC Community Survey
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Have your say about the future of PCYC KempseyFollowing a $40 million investment by the NSW Government in June 2018, PCYC Kempsey is one of the 16 facilities scheduled to be newly developed or upgraded. PCYC NSW is now calling on the Kempsey community to help shape plans for the upgrade of PCYC Kempsey to ensure the facility meets the needs of the community.Locals can have their say through the PCYC NSW Community Consultation Survey. Feedback provided will help shape plans for the new PCYC Kempsey and will inform the services and activities which will be delivered in the new facility.To provide feedback on plans for PCYC Kempsey visit -
Dr Tracy Westerman's Workshops
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Dr Tracy Westerman's Workshops for 2019. All workshops are filling fast!Arguably the most in-demand trainer in Australia!Aboriginal Mental Health Assessment & Suicide Prevention in Aboriginal Communities WorkshopCultural Competency for Supervisors of Aboriginal People - first time offered in TWO years!Workshops are delivered by Dr Tracy Westerman, WA’s 2018 Australian of the Year, Finalist in the Australian of the Year (2018); Inducted into the Women's Hall of Fame (2018); recipient of the Curtin University Lifetime Achievement Award (2018). Dr Westerman has been recognised for her extraordinary contribution to reducing the burden of mental ill health and suicide in Aboriginal communities both nationally and internationally. She has personally trained over 25,000+ individuals across Australia arguably making her the most in demand trainer in Australia.
For more info or to register CLICK HERE -
Women of the Macleay
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Do you know a woman who has made her mark in the community through her achievements or contributions to others?Whether volunteering, providing strong leadership or advocating for change, strong women are vital in our community. Nominate one today! -
Royal Agricultural Society Community Project Grants
Share Royal Agricultural Society Community Project Grants on Facebook Share Royal Agricultural Society Community Project Grants on Twitter Share Royal Agricultural Society Community Project Grants on Linkedin Email Royal Agricultural Society Community Project Grants linkDo you have a community project that needs funding?
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Foundation (RASF) is offering an opportunity for community-minded people to be awarded up to $25,000 in funding for a community project in their local area.
The RASF invites ideas that deliver strong community benefits and result in enhanced economic and social outcomes for your community. Projects that involve collaboration between people in your town and deliver sustained and broad community benefits will be highly regarded. Applicants will be passionate about rural and regional NSW, and have a good understanding of any issues affecting their community.
Contact us:
Cecilia Logan, Manager RAS Foundation 02 9704 1226
Enrol Now for HIPPY 2019!
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Do you have achild starting Kindergarten in 2020?Do you live in the Kempsey area?
HIPPY is a free program you can do with your child in the comfort of your own home to help get them ready for Kindergarten!
HIPPY provides parnets/carers everything needed for games and activities to help your child learn through play.
For more information, contact Karissa Black on 02 6562 3705 or mobile 0428 560 936 or email
With One Voice
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With One Voice Social Franchise Start-Up Funding: General InformationStart-up Funding Overview
Creativity Australia is building a happier, healthier, more inclusive nation through the neuro-scientific benefits of community singing. The With One Voice Social Franchise program is about building supportive networks, strengthening diverse communities and inspiring individuals to find their voice.
Together, we can change the world… one voice at a time. With One Voice choirs are led by professional conductors, rehearse weekly followed by supper, and perform at community and corporate events.
To make it easier for communities to start their own choir, Creativity Australia is offering a limited number of start-up funding grants of up to $10,000. Successful applicants will receive the start-up grant and join a 12-month intensive mentoring program to guide them through the process of building their own With One Voice Social Franchise choir.
Success is determined by our unique “Health of Choirs” indicators that measures member engagement and participation through our personalised program App. During the first six months, one of our program staff will mentor the choir organising committee to interpret the indicators and use them to focus their efforts on laying a strong foundation for the choir to succeed, be socially inclusive, build community wellbeing and result in inspirational outcomes for participants.
How the With One Voice Social Franchise program works
With One Voice Social Franchise programs are set up and run by local volunteers using the resources and materials provided by Creativity Australia. By establishing a local community choir under the auspices of Creativity Australia (as a registered charity), you hold a licence that enables the choir to raise funds to support projects and initiatives at a local level. The choir is set up as an unincorporated association under the umbrella of Creativity Australia. This includes an independent bank account which is jointly managed by the local choir volunteers and Creativity Australia.
There are seven key components to the With One Voice Social Franchise program:
- Bringing together a diverse range of local community individuals and organisations to promote, commence and participate in the program;
- Finding an extraordinary music leader (who is empathetic and inspiring);
- Finding a safe, nurturing space to sing (that is accessible and close to public transport or infrastructure);
- Seeking out diversity (all are welcome…all ages, backgrounds and auditions);
- Showcasing your choir … share the love (perform locally, celebrate accomplishments);
- Nurturing social connections (rehearse weekly, share supper, share the “Wish List”); and
- Building sustainability (develop community & business connections, recruit some helpers, start fundraising).
Funding is not prioritised for any particular group or type of organisation, however, there is a set of criteria that applicants must meet. Please see the information pack that can be downloaded from the website (or attached with this email) for more information.
The organising committees of With One Voice Social Franchise Choirs must represent the community, and applications will be assessed based on their diversity and/or plan to achieve diversity. If you would like clarification on whether or not your group or organisation would be eligible to establish a With One Voice Social Franchise choir, please contact Creativity Australia.
* Please note: local and state councils and for-profit organisations are not eligible to apply – however we encourage partnering with a local community organisation who wants to apply by providing important resources/ finances/ support.
Creativity Australia delivers With One Voice programs for a fee for a range of corporations, educational, aged care and healthcare organisations. To learn more about these options, please enquire to
Applications / Guidelines
§ Applications Open: November 19, 2018
§ Applications close: No set date – applications assessed on a first come first served basis
§ Application method: Online
§ Website:
§ Application:
Contact Details
Nathan Lange – Programs Manager
Address: Creativity Australia - With One Voice
Level 1, 10 Dorcas St South Melbourne 3205 VIC
Phone: 03 8679 6088
Grants and funding opportunities guide
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Is your community group seeking funding?Kempsey Shire Council have created a guide that provides links to funding sources and also a range of hints and tips for preparing and making an application.This information is focused on community groups and not-for-profit programs.Click here to download the guide.