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Aboriginal Women's Wellbeing Program
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Mid North Coast Local Health District invites young Aboriginal women aged 13-20yrs to attend an Aboriginal Women's Wellbeing Program.The program will run from 24th May to 28th June 2019 with sessions held every Friday at Kempsey District Hospital from 12:30pm - 2:30pm in the Wutu Room.The program will cover a range of topics such as:- Self-care, self-esteem and empowerment
- Therapy through creative dance and arts
- Connection to Country through language and history of our local area
- Making new friends and connections
- How to find out more about health/medical, wellbeing and support services available in your area
Kids and babies are welcome, afternoon tea will be provided and participants who attend all six weeks will receive a free t-shirt!To register, please contact Tianna Bailey on 0407 652 735. -
Financial Wellbeing Service
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The Financial Wellbeing Service assists people in financial crisis to manage their immediate situation in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity whilst improving their financial capability. The service operates in Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, Nambucca, Kempsey, Port Macquarie, Taree and Great Lakes.Who They AssistThis confidential and free service is available to people who are in financial hardship and either unable to pay their bills or at immediate risk of not being able to pay their bills.Eligibility CriteriaIndividuals and families who are in financial crisis and residing in one of the above listed locations are eligible for this service.How Do They HelpThe service may assist with:- Short term financial or material aid such as the provision of vouchers
- Budgeting and access to other financial tools
- Linking to other appropriate services and supports
For more information, visit the Financial Wellbeing Service website, phone (02) 6651 1788 or email -
Engage2Change Men's Behaviour Change Program
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Kempsey Families Men’s Behaviour Change program offers clients 4 individual counselling appointments to assess their hopes and goals for participating. These meetings are designed to work with men to self-assess if they are committed and ready to work towards non-violence and self-responsibility. The ongoing aim of these meetings is to prepare a man to move into our 12 week group program with up to 11 other men who have decided they are also ready to work towards change (non-violence).The Men’s Behaviour Change program aims to explore the impacts of abuse and violence on our partners, children, ourselves and others. We explore ideas about men’s role within the world and relationship, and examine the ideas that help/hurt what we are trying to achieve. We look at responses to conflict and what we contribute to the problem and how we can take responsibility for safety and self. Communication, self-reflection and dealing with strong emotions are also important elements of the group work program.Engage2Change will now be delivered in Kempsey (starting February 28th), Coffs Harbour (starting February 27th) and Nambucca Valley (mid-year). Service and Self Referrals are welcome.Alongside this program is the Women and Children’s Advocate who will support current or ex-partners of the men participating in the Engage2Change program.Click here to download the Engage2Change flyer or contact Kempsey Families Inc. direct on 6563 1588. -
Yellow Ladybugs
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Yellow Ladybugs is dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls and women. Our mission is to improve the lives of autistic girls and women, when needed. We aim to do this by raising acceptance and awareness about the female presentation of autism in the education, employment, medical and general community. We also strive to create positive inclusive experiences for autistic girls and women and often advocate for the rights of autistic girls and women. We support identity first language, and uphold the values of "nothing about us, without us".Yellow Ladybugs is a volunteer community group who proudly create social events, similar to birthday parties, where girls can come together and have the opportunity to meet and bond over their similar journey. Our vision is to foster a strong bond, which will ultimately create a network of friends outside of school.
Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays
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PFLAG hold support meetings at Kempsey Families Inc. on the third Wednesday of the month to provide a safe, friendly place where parents, family and friends of lesbian and gay individuals can talk openly and confidentially.When: Third Wednesday of the month, 6pm - 7:30pmWhere: 21 Verge Street, Kempsey NSW 2440Contact: Jennifer on 0414 511 655Visit for more information -
People With Disability Australia
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PWDA are in the process of creating a National Services directory for the Wayfinder Hub as part of a National NDIA funded Information, Linkages and Capacity project. The Wayfinder Hub will be developing a contact centre and Website to support a range of stakeholders including People with Disability, Carers/Family Members, Service providers and the General public.This will give people the ability to contact our centre through our 1800 number, email or website chat to request information about the services in their area.We are seeking information to ensure that we are able to connect relevant information to people contacting our service, so if you would like your service featured or are looking for information, please call us Alicia Bairle on 1800 422 016 or email
Sunny by 1800RESPECT
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Designed by women with disability and 1800RESPECT, Sunny is a new app that supports women with disability to understand sexual assault, domestic and family violence, know their rights and reach out for support.Sunny has been designed to make sure it provides the very best support while meeting accessibility compliance standards.The Sunny app is completely free to download and use on iPhone and Android phones. Simply visit the iOS App Store or Google Play.