What is a Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?
The CSP is the community’s plan, prepared by Council on behalf of the entire community it represents. The plan reflects the aspirations and priorities of our community into the future. It sets a direction for everything we must do together as a council and a community to make that vision a reality.
The plan sits at the top of Council’s strategic planning framework and provides long-term direction for the organisation to align its delivery of the community’s policies, programs and services. The CSP integrates with key Council plans and policies and acts as a guide for other stakeholders (organisations, government agencies, business and individuals) in planning and delivering services for our area. The plan also responds to state, metropolitan and regional plans and priorities relevant to the region.
Why do we need a Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?
Under legislation, NSW Councils are required to develop a CSP so that council and community are working in the same direction. Council’s four year Delivery Plan and annual Operational Plan flows from the CSP.
The Plan also provides a way for Council to be accountable to the community and the State Government by reporting annually on its implementation.
The Strategic Community Plan is not static. A full review is required every four years with a minor review every two years.
Who owns the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?
How is the Community Strategic Plan Developed (CSP)?
The CSP is developed through consultation with our community. This work began in 2019 with a telephone survey conducted by Micromex and will continue through until early 2022. A series of face to face engagement sessions have had to be postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we will respond to this by ensuring a longer period of online engagement, and face to face opportunities if appropriate as advised by NSW Health
Whose responsibility is it to implement the plan?