- Clearly articulate current supply and identify need for community infrastructure
- Identify current and future gaps in provision of community infrastructure
- Provide clear guidance on how community infrastructure may best be provided and managed to sustain livability and community wellbeing across the Macleay
- Delivery of facilities and programs that are governed by the NSW Government
- Financial requirements and the ability of Council to fund new or refurbished community infrastructure identified in the plan
- Individual needs of persons in the community.
- Crown land
- Council managed commercial business (saleyards, holiday parks, airport)
What is a Community Infrastructure Strategy?
This 20-year strategy will ensure that community facilities, services and spaces meet the needs of existing and future communities. It will also assist with ongoing asset management and inform future investment decisions by Council
The strategy will provide a practical guide for planning and managing community infrastructure across the Shire that is responsive to the population and demographic profile, local values and aspirations as well as the role and characteristics of the shire’s diverse townships
The "Your Future Places and Spaces" Community Infrastructure Strategy will:
What is classed as community infrastructure?
This includes community spaces and assets such as
- sporting fields and facilities such as swimming pools, skateparks and stadiums
- playgrounds and parks
- community halls and meeting spaces
- educational facilities
- arts and cultural spaces such as galleries and museums
- libraries
- health and medical facilities
What is not included in this strategy?
There are certain elements the plan will not cover. This includes: