How was the Community Advisory Group (CAG) selected?
Expressions of interest were held in May and following the Council meeting held in June,14 residents were appointed to the Crescent Head Community Advisory Group.
How will the Project achieve inclusivity and representation from diverse community groups?
The project prioritises inclusivity and aims to represent a wide range of community groups. Council aims to involve various groups, including residents, businesses, recreational users, Indigenous communities, disability advocates and environmental organisations. We hope the Community Advisory Group will reflect this diversity.
What steps will be taken to address concerns about potential conflicts among diverse foreshore users?
The Community Advisory Group aims to foster open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving among foreshore users. The goal is to represent a range of views withing the project discussions and develop a Foreshore concept that considers a wide range of needs and interests.
Who is involved in the Project Team?
The Council Project Team comprises individuals from various departments, including executives, project managers, community engagement, and communications staff. Specialist external resources will also be supporting the team, as appropriate.
What is the Project Timeline?
The project is divided into three phases:
1. Background and Listening – gathering information and feedback
2. Options Identification and Development – exploring possibilities and refining ideas
3. Endorsed Preferred Concept – finalising and endorsing the preferred project concept.
The aim is to submit a report with the preferred recommendations to Council by June 2025.
What area does the Project cover?
The footprint of the project area is shown on this page (update map coming soon)