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The home for all engagement information on the Crescent Head Foreshore Project and Community Advisory Group.
Latest Update
Coming soon.
Next Steps
To keep the community informed and involved in the planning process, after seeking community feedback Council is still working with the Advisory Group on the ‘working draft’ concept plan. This is an important opportunity to ensure the 'working draft' concept plan reflects the community view. The group has had extensive discussions to reach this stage, and they are committed to ensuring the final concept reflects the community’s needs and priorities.
On this page you will find the latest updates, news and progress on the Crescent Head Foreshore Project as well as information from the Community Advisory Group (CAG).
Crescent Head has a long history of foreshore planning, with many diverse community perspectives contributing to the process over time. Since July 2024, a dedicated Advisory Group of 13 community members has been working collaboratively and with Council to discuss and plan improvements for the foreshore and Willow Street community spaces. The group has engaged in lively, yet respectful conversations, striving to understand differing perspectives and make thoughtful concessions to ensure a collaborative approach. Their focus has been on identifying the best possible outcome for the community and all users of these spaces.
Formal submissions, along with details on how to make an appropriate submission, can be found below. Submissions can also be emailed to, handed in at Customer Service, or mailed to:
The General Manager Kempsey Shire Council PO Box 3078 West Kempsey NSW 2440
Once the plan is further refined, it will be shared for additional community feedback before being recommended to Council for final adoption.
For more information on previous steps in this project please view the key documents provided on this page.
This survey closed on Friday 20 December 2024.- Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to give feedback.
The home for all engagement information on the Crescent Head Foreshore Project and Community Advisory Group.
Latest Update
Coming soon.
Next Steps
To keep the community informed and involved in the planning process, after seeking community feedback Council is still working with the Advisory Group on the ‘working draft’ concept plan. This is an important opportunity to ensure the 'working draft' concept plan reflects the community view. The group has had extensive discussions to reach this stage, and they are committed to ensuring the final concept reflects the community’s needs and priorities.
On this page you will find the latest updates, news and progress on the Crescent Head Foreshore Project as well as information from the Community Advisory Group (CAG).
Crescent Head has a long history of foreshore planning, with many diverse community perspectives contributing to the process over time. Since July 2024, a dedicated Advisory Group of 13 community members has been working collaboratively and with Council to discuss and plan improvements for the foreshore and Willow Street community spaces. The group has engaged in lively, yet respectful conversations, striving to understand differing perspectives and make thoughtful concessions to ensure a collaborative approach. Their focus has been on identifying the best possible outcome for the community and all users of these spaces.
Formal submissions, along with details on how to make an appropriate submission, can be found below. Submissions can also be emailed to, handed in at Customer Service, or mailed to:
The General Manager Kempsey Shire Council PO Box 3078 West Kempsey NSW 2440
Once the plan is further refined, it will be shared for additional community feedback before being recommended to Council for final adoption.
For more information on previous steps in this project please view the key documents provided on this page.
This survey closed on Friday 20 December 2024.- Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to give feedback.
Thank you for your interest inthe working draft concept plans for the Crescent Head Foreshore and Willow Street Community space. Please note, this is an interim step in developing the plan and on receipt of your feedback the Community Advisory Group and Council can make more changes to the plan, add further detail and will come back to you in the first half of 2025 with an updated final draft for further comment.
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Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025, 11:44 AM
Crescent Head Community Advisory Group formed - July-2024
Crescent Head Foreshore Project has finished this stage
Community feedback on Working Draft Concept Plan - Nov-Dec-2024
Crescent Head Foreshore Project is currently at this stage
Consideration of community feedback and revision of draft concept with Community Advisory Group - Early 2025
this is an upcoming stage for Crescent Head Foreshore Project
Community feedback on the Final Draft Foreshore Concept Plan - Date TBA 2025
this is an upcoming stage for Crescent Head Foreshore Project
Council consideration and adoption of the final Foreshore Concept Plan - Date TBA 2025
this is an upcoming stage for Crescent Head Foreshore Project