Will the Killick Creek Pathway be retained for community use?

    Yes, and a new pathway is proposed to connect Willow Street Foreshore to Pacific Street near Lloyd Park. 

    Will the markets still be able to operate at the foreshore?

    Council is working with the Community Advisory Group and Market Management to plan for a suitable market space in the foreshore area. 

    Can I park my boat trailer?

    Yes, Boat trailer parking is included in the draft plan near the boat ramp (which is not proposed to change) 

    Why are there fewer parks along the waterfront?

    The Group felt there is a strong community desire for a wider green space on the foreshoreThe draft proposes a 12-15m wide green space, compared to the current width of 7-14m. There is the potential to add more parks if some of this space is sacrificed.  We are open to community feedback in this regard.

    Will the holiday park boundary change?

    If adopted, the draft concept plan will mean the proposed parking encroaches on the existing ‘Area 9’ of the adopted holiday park planThis was a concession offered by Council in adopting the holiday park plan in June 2024. 

    When will Willow Street land cease being used as overflow parking for the holiday park?

    February 2025. 

    What happens next?

     As per the timeline on our engagement page, once feedback is received on the working draft, it will be considered by the Community Advisory Group and Council, the plans updates and more detail added and we will come back to you in the first half of 2025 with an updated final draft for further comment.