Kempsey Shire Aquatic Strategy
Consultation has concluded
Council is preparing a high-level Aquatics Strategy to assist in planning for the future of swimming and related facilities to service the Kempsey Shire. The 10-year plan will help to identify the opportunities and constraints associated with the operation of the existing facilities being:
Kempsey McElhone Swimming Complex - Belgrave Street, Kempsey
Crescent Aquatic Centre, Baker Drive, Crescent Head
South West Rocks Swimming Pool, Sportsmans Way, South West Rocks.
Macleay Memorial Pool, Kinchela Street, Gladstone.
Recognising their importance for learning to swim, recreation and social connection, many councils subsidise aquatics facilities, particularly in regional areas. However, the cost to build and maintain aquatic infrastructure is very high, and Council needs to consider how to best provide facilities that can meet the needs of users whilst also being affordable to the broader community.
The project will also inform the development of a potential Special Rate Variation application that is anticipated to be reported to Council in November 2023.
Community Survey - now closed
This survey was designed to assist Council and its project consultants to understand the needs of its community with respect to delivery of its aquatic facilities. It builds on regular community surveys and other consultation undertaken by Council in recent years. A draft Aquatics Strategy is proposed to be developed and exhibited in coming months.
To stay informed on ongoing stages of the project, please register on Council’s “Your Say Macleay” page here -
The final Aquatics Strategy will then be presented to Council for adoption.
Survey closed 4 September 2023.
Your participation in this survey and the development of the Aquatics Strategy is greatly appreciated.