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How are property rates calculated?

The following example is based on Residential Property Rates.

Why is Council investigating a Special Rate Variation?
Why is Council investigating a Special Rate Variation?
How are property rates calculated?
How are property rates calculated?
The following example is based on Residential Property Rates.
Where are your rates spent?
Where are your rates spent?
This is based on Kempsey Shire Council’s average residential property rate for the 2023-24 financial year of $1,274. This information is further explained in Fact Sheet 5 on Your Say Macleay. Head to ksc.pub/financialfuture
Why have staff numbers increased and how does this compare the similar sized Councils?
Why have staff numbers increased and how does this compare the similar sized Councils?
This information is further explained in Fact Sheet 5 on Your Say Macleay.