40km/h speed limit proposed for Stuarts Point town centre
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Consultation has concluded. Additional updates will be provided as required.
What do you think of a 40km speed limit for the Stuarts Point town centre.
We would like your feedback on a proposed 40km/h speed zone for Stuarts Point Town Centre.
In partnership with Transport for NSW, Kempsey Shire Council is proposing the installation of a 40km/h speed limit within the town centre of Stuarts Point.
Why is this being considered
Council has previously received feedback from the broader community of Stuarts Point in relation to pedestrian safety in the past.
This new speed limit is aimed to reduce traffic speed and improve the safety for pedestrians walking as well as the road users in the area.
The work to be carried out is relatively minor and includes the installation of pedestrian crossings, pavement markings and appropriate 40kmh warning signs.
What's next
The project is to be undertaken in (2) phases.
Phase 1 is for the design and community consultation.
Phase 2 is for the work to be carried out with funding and scheduling to be determined following completion of the final designs.
Tell us what you think!
Get involved in the conversation.
Complete the survey below or fill out a submission and have your say.
Make a more comprehensive, formal submission using the online submission tool, by email to ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au , or by mailing to:
The General Manager Kempsey Shire Council PO Box 3078 West Kempsey NSW 2440
The proposed speed limit change will be on display until Sunday 8 September 2024.
What happens next?
After the exhibition period has closed, your feedback and the proposed designs will be reviewed and will be presented to Council for adoption.
What do you think of a 40km speed limit for the Stuarts Point town centre.
We would like your feedback on a proposed 40km/h speed zone for Stuarts Point Town Centre.
In partnership with Transport for NSW, Kempsey Shire Council is proposing the installation of a 40km/h speed limit within the town centre of Stuarts Point.
Why is this being considered
Council has previously received feedback from the broader community of Stuarts Point in relation to pedestrian safety in the past.
This new speed limit is aimed to reduce traffic speed and improve the safety for pedestrians walking as well as the road users in the area.
The work to be carried out is relatively minor and includes the installation of pedestrian crossings, pavement markings and appropriate 40kmh warning signs.
What's next
The project is to be undertaken in (2) phases.
Phase 1 is for the design and community consultation.
Phase 2 is for the work to be carried out with funding and scheduling to be determined following completion of the final designs.
Tell us what you think!
Get involved in the conversation.
Complete the survey below or fill out a submission and have your say.
Make a more comprehensive, formal submission using the online submission tool, by email to ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au , or by mailing to:
The General Manager Kempsey Shire Council PO Box 3078 West Kempsey NSW 2440
The proposed speed limit change will be on display until Sunday 8 September 2024.
What happens next?
After the exhibition period has closed, your feedback and the proposed designs will be reviewed and will be presented to Council for adoption.