Local Growth Management Strategy
The survey has now closed.
The Local Growth Management Strategy is being reviewed before being presented to a future meeting of Council for adoption.
Have we captured the character of your town?
The public exhibition and survey are now closed. Council placed the Local Growth Management Strategy on public exhibition for 28 days from 1 February to 28 February. The public exhibition was extended for a further 14 days to the 14 March 2023.
There are many things that make living in the Kempsey Shire special and we want to make sure that the growth of our region enhances these qualities.
The draft Kempsey Local Growth Management Strategy (LGMS) is the key strategic land use planning document by which the Council establishes how and where projected population and employment growth are to be accommodated over the next twenty years.
The LGMS will consider the following:
- Housing choice, demand and availability
- Employment land (commercial and industrial zoned land)
- Landscape and local character
- Growth area infrastructure
Local Character Statement Review
The LGMS is informed by four key background reports, one of these documents is the Local Character Statement Review. This is the document that summarises the vision for each village.
The review provides direction for the growth of both residential and employment land, ensuring that the community’s local character is identified and respected.
The following locations are included in the LGMS and the Local Character Statement:
- Kempsey (Central)
- East Kempsey
- West Kempsey
- South Kempsey
- South West Rocks
- Bellbrook
- Willawarrin
- Stuarts Point
- Hat Head
- Crescent Head
- Frederickton
- Smithtown and Gladstone
- Point Plomer Coastline
Tell us what you think!
The survey is now closed.
The community was encouraged to provide feedback to let us know whether we’d got the strategy right or if there was anything missing.
Submissions were made by providing a written response by either of the following methods:
1. Online submission form (as listed in the next section)
2. A written submission addressed to:
General Manager
Kempsey Shire Council
PO Box 3078
West Kempsey 2440
How engagement was carried out
Council placed the draft Local Growth Management Strategy and the Local Character Statement on public exhibition from 1 February to 14 March 2023.
111 responses were received via the Your Say Macleay online survey platform.
What you said
Responses summarised below:
1. 84 written comments were received as to whether or not the character of their town or village was captured.
2. The majority of respondents said they had read the Character Statement review (77%), Draft Local Growth Management Strategy (77%) and their relevant town/village Character Statement (85.6%).
What happens next?
At the end of the public exhibition period, Council reviews the submissions and determines what amendments are required to the Local Growth Management Strategy.
Once the necessary changes are made, the Strategy will be reported to an upcoming Ordinary Meeting of Council for endorsement and will then need sign off from the State Government.