Community Questions
What is the percentage (%) of Aboriginal identifying persons within Kempsey?
11.6% or 3,350 persons
*Source: ABS Census 2016.
How is the Reconciliation Action Plan developed?
Council have developed a Reconciliation Working Group made up of staff from across the organisation, with representation from interested Aboriginal staff.
Council staff have engaged with key community groups, interagency networks and stakeholders, the Elders Council and both Land Councils and Council staff have visited local Aboriginal communities on a number of occasions to have informal conversations and build relationships.
How can I find out about more of the services for the Aboriginal community?
The Kempsey Community Directory lists the range of local community groups and organisations servicing and supporting Indigenous people, including the Kempsey Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Thunggutti Local Aboriginal Land Council.
Where can I buy Aboriginal art in Kempsey?
The Reconciliation Action Plan artwork was completed by local Aboriginal artist Steve McLeod.
The Dunghutti-Ngaku Aboriginal Art Gallery in Kempsey offers works for sale by renowned Aboriginal artists who are represented in major public and private collections. Visitors can also purchase works from emerging artists who live and work in the region.
Can Council employ an Aboriginal Liaison Officer?
All staff are liaison officers, and community are welcome to discuss matters with anyone employed by Council, in a safe and friendly environment. All Council staff undertake Aboriginal Cultural Training to ensure they understand the cultural and heritage significance of the Aboriginal communities across the Shire.
What commitment is there from Council to implement the actions in the RAP?
The actions identified in the draft Reconciliation Action Plan have been endorsed by council for public exhibition to ensure that key themes that we heard through the consultation period have been incorporated in the plan where possible. When the RAP is finalised regular reporting will occur to make sure that the actions are progressing