Horseshoe Bay Reserve revitalisation

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For updated information on the Horseshoe Bay Reserve revitalisation please see the following pages:

Horsehoe Bay Reserve Reviltalisation plan

Have your say on the Horseshoe Bay Reserve cafe space

Please note that the Caravan Park has been removed from the study area and will be managed under a separate Plan of Management

Horseshoe Bay Reserve one step closer to a stunning new look

The South West Rocks community will soon have a detailed vision of the future as design works have begun for next stage of upgrades to Horseshoe Bay Reserve. Kempsey Shire Council has engaged a designer to draw up plans for the revitalised Horseshoe Bay Reserve following extensive community and stakeholder engagement on the Horseshoe Bay Master Plan.

Residents provided extensive input into the proposed upgrades for the reserve at Council workshops held between 2018 and 2019. The natural beauty, beaches and community spirit were highlighted and were guiding factors in developing the Master Plan.

Improving pedestrian links around the foreshore area and to the town centre and open spaces were also seen as important by residents and influenced decision making.

What is the Horseshoe Bay Reserve Master Plan?

The Masterplan is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments. The Master Plan will provide Council, business, government stakeholders and the community the opportunity to consider a range of issues affecting the Horseshoe Bay Reserve such as infrastructure and recreational spaces usage now and into the future.

What has been happening?

In 2014 Council adopted the Master Plan and since that time there has been ongoing community feedback into this plan.

Throughout 2018 and 2019 further community engagement and Community Catch Ups were conducted and Plummer and Smith Consultants were engaged to develop a Draft Master Plan 2019 for the reserve. This Master Plan was adopted by Council in September 2019.

Where are we up to now?

Civille Consultants have been engaged to develop the technical drawings for the Horseshoe Bay Reserve Master Plan. These are due for completion in late 2022.

Horseshoe Bay Reserve one step closer to a stunning new look

The South West Rocks community will soon have a detailed vision of the future as design works have begun for next stage of upgrades to Horseshoe Bay Reserve. Kempsey Shire Council has engaged a designer to draw up plans for the revitalised Horseshoe Bay Reserve following extensive community and stakeholder engagement on the Horseshoe Bay Master Plan.

Residents provided extensive input into the proposed upgrades for the reserve at Council workshops held between 2018 and 2019. The natural beauty, beaches and community spirit were highlighted and were guiding factors in developing the Master Plan.

Improving pedestrian links around the foreshore area and to the town centre and open spaces were also seen as important by residents and influenced decision making.

What is the Horseshoe Bay Reserve Master Plan?

The Masterplan is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments. The Master Plan will provide Council, business, government stakeholders and the community the opportunity to consider a range of issues affecting the Horseshoe Bay Reserve such as infrastructure and recreational spaces usage now and into the future.

What has been happening?

In 2014 Council adopted the Master Plan and since that time there has been ongoing community feedback into this plan.

Throughout 2018 and 2019 further community engagement and Community Catch Ups were conducted and Plummer and Smith Consultants were engaged to develop a Draft Master Plan 2019 for the reserve. This Master Plan was adopted by Council in September 2019.

Where are we up to now?

Civille Consultants have been engaged to develop the technical drawings for the Horseshoe Bay Reserve Master Plan. These are due for completion in late 2022.