Related Projects
Live Projects
Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan
The Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan
Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan – Project Completed
The Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan is...
Five Headlands Coastal Experience
Council and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service are working to deliver the Five Headlands Coastal Experience, an iconic project that will connect four of the Macleay Valley Coast's national
... -
Crescent Head Foreshore Project
The home for all engagement information on the Crescent Head Foreshore Project and Community Advisory Group.
Latest Update
Coming soon.
Next Steps
To keep the community informed and involved in...
40km/h speed limit proposed for Stuarts Point town centre
Latest Update
Council endorsed at its December 2024 meeting the following recommendation of the Local Traffic Committee (LTC).
The Committee supports the draft final designs for Stuarts Point 40kmh High...
Update Coming: South Kempsey Park Draft Master Plan
Update coming on the South Kempsey Park.
The community are invited to provide feedback on proposed plans for South Kempsey Park Draft Master Plan
The proposed plan includes the...
Update Coming: Willawarrin Recreation Ground Draft Master Plan
Update coming on the Willawarrin Recreation Ground
The community are invited to provide feedback on the proposed plans for the Willawarrin Recreation Ground Draft Master Plan.
The proposed plans
... -
Kempsey Development Control Plan Review
The Kempsey Development Control Plan (DCP) is a document that provides guidance and requirements for development that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application (DA). If you’re
... -
Yarrahapinni Land Release Area - Chapter E4 of the DCP
Update on the Yarrahapinni Land Release:
The resolution of Council is as follows:
10.3 Kempsey Development Control Plan 2013 – Chapter E4 – Yarrahapinni...
Should we rename the Kemp Street Sports Complex?
We are considering renaming the Kemp Street Sport Complex to Terry Giddy Sports Complex.
The consideration to rename the Kemp Street Sport Complex to Terry Giddy Sports Complex, is...
Grassy Head Playground Upgrade
Thank you for your feedback. (August 2024 update)
After receiving mixed feedback from the community about the playground upgrade, we carried out a community engagement process to gather community views...
reVITALise - Kempsey Railway Station Precinct
Welcome to the Kempsey Railway Station reVITALise Project
Kempsey Shire Council, in partnership with Transport for NSW, is excited to announce a new initiative that will transform the public transport...
Stuarts Point Structure Plan
Kempsey Council is developing a Structure Plan for Stuarts Point this is your chance to get involved.
Stuarts Point Structure Plan
The purpose of the Structure Plan is to plan...
Arakoon Road Planning Proposal
Planning Proposal for 154 Arakoon Road (Lot 9 DP1219664) South West Rocks
OverviewTo amend the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 Land Zoning Map, Lot Size Map...
Community Strategic Plan 2045: Your Future and Community Engagement & Participation Strategy
Preparing for the new term of council
Under the Integrated Planning and Reporting guidelines, at the beginning of a new council term, council is required to review and update key...
Archived Projects
Kempsey Library Branch upgrade
Kempsey library branch is getting a face-lift to help us offer new services and spaces as it is one of the most loved and used...
South West Rocks Library and Community Hub
South West Rocks needs a new library and community hub and we want to hear from you.
Our first step is to develop a plan for...
Local Growth Management Strategy
The Local Growth Management Strategy is being reviewed before being presented to a future meeting of Council for adoption.
Have we captured the character of your town?
The public exhibition...
Your Future Libraries
Kempsey Shire Council is working on reinvigorating and reimagining what our shire's library spaces and services will look like in the future.
2021 Macleay Seniors Festival
The 2021 Macleay Seniors Festival was a great success!
We thank the community for their participation and can't wait to welcome you all back next year.
2021 Youth Week
The 2021 Youth Week was a great success!
We thank the community for a wonderful time and can't wait to welcome you back for the 2022 Youth Week.
Flood Recovery
In March 2021 and 2022 the Kempsey Shire experienced two major flood events.
Kempsey Shire Council and a range of government agencies and charities are here to help our community...
Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022
The adopted Operational Plan 2021-2022 can be found HERE
The 2021-22 Operational Plan is the summary of all the actions, programs and services that Council will deliver in the...
Macleay Sustainable School Grants
We thank all schools and educational groups who submitted grants. The successful applicants are listed below.
Aldavilla Primary
Recycling Station Relocation & Restructure
Aldavilla OSHC
Horseshoe Bay Reserve revitalisation
Horseshoe Bay Reserve one step closer to a stunning new look
The South West Rocks community will soon have a detailed vision of the future as design works have begun...
Residents of Frederickton know their riverside town, home to the famous Fredo's Pies, is an emerging and understated village. Fredo is forever growing and evolving into a vibrant destination...
Kempsey is the major service hub of the Macleay Valley. Kempsey is a blend of old-world charm and thriving regional riverside town, and is well-known as the home of...
Stuarts Point
A fisherman's paradise, Stuarts Point offers endless opportunities to cast a line, enjoy canoeing or kayaking. The small, peaceful town has a strong sense of community spirit. This...
Estuary Coastal Management Programs
Council is preparing new management plans for the Macleay River, Killick Creek and Korogoro Creek
Kempsey Shire Council is reviewing and updating the Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plans for the...
The old, mountain village - also home to Slim Dusty- is a true surprise and delight of the Macleay Valley. This heritage-listed village is a delight, and the warmth... -
Proposed Interim Traffic Management Options - Sturt Street (between McIntyre and Hill Streets)
On 16 June a Report to Council was presented
Council resolved to
1. support the recommendation of the Local Traffic Committee meeting 2nd June 2019, and
2. include Sturt St...
Kempsey Shire Biodiversity Strategy
We thank community for having their say on managing Biodiversity in the Macleay Valley. Council received over 50 submissions that are currently being reviewed.
West Kempsey Pump Track
Residents of all ages joined the West Kempsey Pump Track Committee to officially launch the popular Pump Track on the 4th December...
Communicating with you!
Kempsey Shire Council adopted the Corporate Communications Strategy in June 2017.
We thank the community for their feedback and sharing their ideas.
River Festival 2016
On 24 September, 2016 over 3,000 people enjoyed a family day out at Riverside Park Kempsey for a celebration of art, culture and music at the Macleay River Festival.
Estuary Entrance Management - Reviewing the Coastal Management Plan
New Entrance Management Plans for local estuaries
We thank community for their feedback in helping develop the Entrance Management Plans as part of the Coastal Management Plan (CMP).
You can...
Sustainability strategy gets the green light
Update: 29 September, 2022
Sustainability Strategy gets the green light
The final Sustainability and Resilience Strategy was adopted at the September council meeting. To view the strategy click here
Proposed cemetery and burial fees
A Cemeteries Strategy for changing times
Council’s cemeteries provide an important service to the local community in times that are often confronting and difficult. Cemeteries also play an important role...
Middleton Street Corridor Concept
Kempsey Shire Council is currently preparing a concept plan for the Middleton Street Corridor between Lachlan Street and West Street.
The concept plan follows closely the concept developed in the...
Reconciliation Action Plan
We had an amazing response from the community on our Reconciliation Action Plan.
Council's first Reconciliation Action Plan
At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and...
Agribusiness Industry Plan (AIP) 2021 - 2026
We thank community for their feedback on the Agribusiness Industry Plan (AIP) 2021 - 2026.
The Agribusiness Industry Plan (AIP) 2021 - 2016 has been adopted by Council.
Black Summer & Beyond book and online exhibition
In 2020 Kempsey Shire Council assembled and presented the Black Summer & Beyond exhibition which toured the Shire.
It was an outstanding success, receiving praise across the Shire and winning...
What is the future of housing development in Kempsey Shire?
How should Council plan for predicted population growth?
Does the community support more diverse and affordable housing across the Shire?
Council recieved 143 submissions for the Local Housing Strategy survey....
Planning for growth in South West Rocks
Who did we hear from?
Council has received 414 submissions to the South West Rocks Structure Plan and 139 submissions for the Local Housing Strategy. The results are currently being...
Readiness and Recovery
Have you or your community been impacted by the recent natural disasters to affect the Kempsey Shire?
Are you looking for information on how to be ready for future events?
What do you want Kempsey Shire to be like in twenty years?
2042: Your Future - Community Strategic Plan
What do you want Kempsey to be?
We have heard from over 1700 community members over the last 5 years about their vision...
Rental Assessment and Rebate
Kempsey Shire Council provides a wide range of community facilities which help meet the diverse needs of its residents. It also owns or manages land upon which community facilities have...
Crescent Head village and foreshore upgrades
Do you love the Crescent Head Foreshore and Village Centre?
Like all living, vibrant communities Crescent Head is a permanent work in progress and work is underway to upgrade the...
How can our Shire be more inclusive and accessible?
Will our DIAP help make Kempsey Shire a more accessible, inclusive and liveable community?
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) was Adopted at the May 2022 Council Meeting.
We thank...
Crescent Head
Crescent Head
As residents of Crescent Head know, our coastal village is a unique and special place in the shire and the wider region. For the visitor, the unique cultural...
What's the first thing we need to do in our 4 year plan?
Making your rates work for you
The Integrated Planning and Reporting Suite was adopted at the June 2022 Council Meeting.
Read the Adopted Delivery Program and Operational Plan and...
NAIDOC Week Celebration Grants
Let's celebrate NAIDOC Week!
Grants of up to $500 are available to help bring your event or activities to life.
Why is Council providing this funding?
Council understands the importance...
How do we balance economic and environmental growth?
How do we balance employment growth, while preserving our natural and cultural assets?
There are many things that make living in Kempsey Shire special, and we want to make sure...
Hat Head
Hat Head, especially Hat Head National Park, is a natural paradise. The beaches, sand dunes, rainforest and wetlands offer an ideal backdrop for bushwalking, camping and picnics. Residents...
How can we improve the vibrancy and safety of our laneways?
How might we use our laneways differently?
How can they be part of a vibrant streetscape where our community feels safe, connected and have something to smile about?
Laneways are...
Will these actions improve our estuaries, rivers and open coastline?
How should we manage our coastal catchments?
Will these actions improve our coastal waterways?
Coastal Management Plans (CMPs) provide sustainable plans for our coastal areas. They include strategies for the...
Do you support the actions to protect the natural environment of Little Nobby?
Did you know over 900 people visit Little Nobby daily during Summer?
Do you support the actions to protect the natural environment of Little Nobby?
What have we heard?
A new Code of Meeting Practice
Have your say on the draft Code of Meeting Practice
Residents are invited to have their say on a new draft Code of Meeting Practice.
Councillors workshopped the draft before...
Draft Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy
Have your say on the draft Councillors Expenses and Facilities PolicyResidents are invited to have their say on a draft Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy.
Councillors discussed the draft...
When should Kempsey have an Australia Day event?
How the engagement was carried out
Commencing 26 January, Council launched a survey asking “When should Kempsey have an Australia Day event?”.
Attendees at the 2023 Australia Day Citizenship and...
Waste Management Strategy
The Waste Strategy was adopted at the April 2023 meeting of Council.
How the engagement was carried out
The Waste Management Strategy 2022 - 2032 was on public exhibition from...
Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
The Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan is being reviewed before being presented to a future meeting of Council for adoption.
Council has undertaken a review of its developer contributions plans with...
South West Rocks Structure Plan
The South West Rocks Structure Plan is being reviewed before being presented to a future meeting of Council for adoption.
South West Rocks Structure Plan
The draft Structure Plan was...
Horseshoe Bay Revitalisation: Community Hub
We had a strong community engagement in this survey and the results are now being compiled.
Should we add a cafe in Horseshoe Bay?
As the next phase in the...
Community survey
The Kempsey Shire Community Survey is now closed. We are assessing the results.
Have your say on services in our community
Every two years we conduct a Community Survey where...
Do you have an interest in the airport?
For updated information on the Kempsey Airport Master Plan please see Kempsey Airport Master Plan 2042.
Meeting with stakeholders
As part of Kempsey Shire Council’s commitment to engage with...
Community Engagement Strategy
The Community Engagement Strategy was adopted at the December 2022 meeting of Council.
Have your say… on how you have your say!
As a community member do you feel you...
Have we got the right plan for Kempsey Airport?
Kempsey Airport Master Plan 2042 was adopted at July 2023 Meeting.
During the adoption process, two key changes were incorporated into the Master Plan, demonstrating the Council's commitment to safety...
Take 5 minutes to make Kempsey Shire’s roads safe
We want to know what Kempsey Shire's road users and pedestrians are most concerned about in 2023.
As the Kempsey Shire continues to thrive, our population is growing, and more...
Annual Budget 2023-24
Operational Plan 2023-24 on exhibition
Kempsey Shire Council has developed an Operational Plan to guide Council's actions over the next financial year.
The 2023-24 Kempsey Shire Council Budget includes:
- $46.89...
A plan for Our Creative Macleay
Across the Kempsey Shire we enjoy a wide range of creative and cultural experiences from events, galleries, performances and creative venues. Council works with local community and creatives to deliver...
Are we kicking goals with plans for Verge 1?
An exciting transformation for Verge 1 Sporting Field into an elite regional sports complex is in the works.
The aim of this is to enhance local sports and community events...
Conserving Koalas for years to come
The Kempsey Koala Habitat Mapping project goal is to create maps that show where koalas live in the Kempsey Shire. These maps will provide vital information to plan for the...
Kempsey Shire Aquatic Strategy
Council is preparing a high-level Aquatics Strategy to assist in planning for the future of swimming and related facilities to service the Kempsey Shire. The 10-year plan will...
Our Financial Future
Investigation into financial sustainability
Between August and October 2023 Council engaged with our community as part of an investigation into whether an application would be made to IPART for a...
Alcohol Free Zone - Renewal
Kempsey Shire Council is seeking to understand the community’s needs in relation to Alcohol Free Zones, and specifically the suitability of the locations the zones cover.
We are seeking feedback...
Draft Aquatic Strategy 2023-2033
Draft Aquatic Strategy 2023-2033
Kempsey Shire Council, supported by Locale Consulting, has concluded its initial investigation, stakeholder engagement, and research into our aquatic services and infrastructure, and have drafted the...
Kempsey Road Safety Strategy
The Strategy has been developed on Council's behalf by specialist Road Safety consultants Safe Systems Solutions Pty Ltd.
The strategy has been developed to help us...
Council Managed Crown Land - Draft Plan of Management
A plan of management is a legal document that defines how Council intends to manage community land in the long term, including directions for usage, planning, resource management and maintenance...
Lower Macleay River Floodplain Risk Management Study
Protecting our future against flood events
How should we manage risks for future flood events and how can we better plan and prepare for future flood events?
Kempsey township and...
Applying to IPART for a Special Rate Variation
Councillors resolved at the November 2023 ordinary meeting to proceed with a Special Rate Variation application to address financial sustainability and a forecast $79 million deficit over the next 10...
Crescent Head Holiday Park Revised Concept Plan
Council, as Crown Land Manager, manages five Macleay Valley Coast Holiday Parks (MVCHP) within the Shire, operated through a management lease with Australian Tourist Park Management (APTM), a subsidiary of...
Integrated Planning and Reporting 2024-25
Council is required to adopt a new suite of annual integrated planning and reporting (IP&R) documents by 30 June 2024.
Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) is an umbrella term for...
Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory Group
Expression of Interest
The Crescent Head foreshore is an iconic space and a major drawcard for locals and visitors alike. It acts as a promenade similar to the role main...
Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan exhibition
What do you think of the proposals for flood management on the Lower Macleay
The Draft Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan has been completed and is now
... -
Proposed charges for Council electric vehicle charging stations
What do you think of the fees that will be charged to those using electric vehicle charging stations?
Change to Fees and Charges
At the most recent Council meeting on...
South West Rocks High Performance Centre Master Plan
We want to know your thoughts on the plans being proposed for the South West Rocks High Performance Centre.
The community are invited to provide feedback on proposed plans...
Shaping Our Future and Council Priorities Survey
Have your say to help shape our future community and Council priorities.
A new term of Council is an important time in our strategic planning process. At this time, the...